Just another opinionated weblog

Posts tagged ‘rants’

Cheapskates and ISPs

This was written a few years ago.  I’ve long since used cable, satellite, cable, satellite and cable again, and always High Speed Internet.  I look for the specials and switch when they’re too good to pass up.  lol

I would love to be able to use DSL or Cable internet service, but being way out here in the boon docks, it isn’t possible. I could easily sign up for satellite internet if I wanted to pay one hundred dollars a month for it. No thank you! I’m cheap and I like it that way! But, that leaves me with dial-up, and everyone knows dial-up is sad. Sad and slow, especially if the phone company haven’t updated the outside wires since 1950. So I must add static noise to sad and slow.

Dial-up isn’t all that bad anymore, though. They’ve added accelerators, boosters, turbos, speedband and all sorts of stuff to make your surfing better, faster, and more enjoyable. And, it works most of the time. Even the cheapest ISP’s include these accelerators for under ten dollars a month.

I don’t want a ‘Home’ page, thank you very much!

I chose one without a ‘Home’ page; that alone makes it a winner for me. It’s neat, clean and fast for less money and no stress. They get me online quickly and that’s all I ask of them. Another ‘must have’ is unlimited hours!

 I’ve used services that force a home page on you. I’ve even used the ‘Big One’ a time or two in emergencies. You know, the one that sends out the free cd’s so crafters can make those neat wind chimes?  (AOL for those who don’t know.)  By the way, I wonder if their subscribers realize they’re actually paying for all those wind chimes?

I don’t mind trying new isp’s, but if I can’t go into Internet Explorer and change the home page to ‘blank], I don’t use the service any longer than necessary to find another one. I don’t like their intrusive way of doing business.

The home page is always so ‘busy’ I can’t find what I’m looking for. I looked for five minutes one time for my account link. The window was full of news, movie stars and sales ads; none of which I’m interested in. It’s so crowded with ‘stuff’ along its borders, it reminds me of my attic. I completely understand needing ads to make money, but I’m paying for the service, it isn’t free!

They usually aren’t user friendly either, at least not to this user. Being forced to do anything causes stress and who needs it? Not me!

I don’t want an intrusive update downloaded every time I log on and off, either, and I don’t want to be ignored when I say no thanks. The ‘Big One’ (AOL)  is bad for doing that. Paying thirty dollars a month for services that are certainly no better than ISP’s charging ten dollars or less is incomprehensible to me. Why would anyone waste their hard-earned cash like that? Especially those paying with their Social Security allowance. Not this cheapskate! When I feel the stress begin to build, I minimize their window and open a new, blank IE window.

There are many, many good, cheap ISP’s worth checking out. Support is always good on those I’ve used, and when they’re new businesses you know they try harder. Give them a chance.

 Search ‘cheap isps’ and save some money; you might even save yourself some stress, and that’s what it’s all about. I’m running a wonderful one I began this month. I was charged only .99 cents for the first month, and that includes the accelerator! I won’t tell you the name though, unless they give me a year’s free service.


 We are finally going modern out here in the wilds, cable became available and I grabbed it!  TV & internet.  Yes! Now, if I can convince my cheapskate husband it’s worth the extra cost month after month, I’ll be in cheapskate heaven.

Politically Correct Reviews – Are They Realistic?

This Politically Correct stuff is going too far. I never did like the concept of anyone being treated with kid gloves just because they were…whatever. That seems to me to only accentuate the differences that are trying to be eliminated, and awfully condescending. Most people don’t need laws or rules or oaths to be decent human beings. I am going to narrow this whole PC fiasco down to the subject of critiquing.In the olden days before Politically Correct was born, writers understood the difference between constructive criticism and a negative, personal flame. (more…)

Diss’ing Reviewers is a Favorite Pastime

And they say critics are arrogant! Sheesh. Do we need to wonder why it’s such an uphill battle to find constructive criticism? I have to assume he thinks correcting spelling is ‘stepping’ on the writers words. Poppycock!A note of encouragement to those who would be in-depth critiquers on a favorite writing site, but are disheartened by all the comments against the practice. Choose your items carefully. Choose only those items that specifically ask for honesty and just do it. You will find that 99% didn’t know what they were asking for, but if you gave them an honest critique, with an honest rate – good for you! (more…)

Non-Quality Critiques

This post concerns a particular writing site I belong to, so it may not make much sense to the casual reader. The term, ‘reviewers’ are those who read another’s writing and make comments and suggestions. Reviews include rates of stars. It can apply to all writers who want their work read, no matter what the site is called.

Today, I took a break after turning in my newsletter edition and browsed the blog page to find something to read. I found complaining about non-quality critiques again. It stumped me, it really did. What is the problem with reviews this time? I browse the public pages often and most are pretty good reviews. Are these non-qualities only sent privately? What is a non-quality review anyway? (more…)

Criticism and Thick Skin

I was given another lesson on skin-thickening yesterday. I had begun feeling complacent and that’s not a good place to be. I was jerked out of boredom by my hair and I am grateful. He didn’t agree with my suggestions and told me why, one-by-one. His animation was an amazing thing to watch. Now, if some of that detail and emotion was in the work, it would’ve been a better write.

Not everyone is comfortable with criticism, but there may be times when it provides just what you need to move forward in your writing. I’m going to post this quote because it could have been written by me, it certainly applies.

quote: Some people (many people) seem to be fans, and send me nice notes on occasion, like when they’ve gone off their meds or had too much to drink. Others clearly do NOT like me. Especially nice church ladies who can’t understand why I’d say that a book is bad or a writer has done a terrible job. Chip MacGregor